Trotter Road Reconstruction
Largo, FL
This project reconstructed Trotter Road from 8th Avenue SW to the City Limits near Hillsdale SW to meet the City’s Community Street Network Program objectives by providing a multimodal network and part of the Southwest Urban Trail Corridor.
The existing roadway lacked bicycle facilities, had a narrow rural section with an inadequate shoulder, and had substandard sidewalks, crosswalks, and drainage ways. The project improved bicycle and pedestrian levels of service and safety through retrofit of a modified urban section including curbs, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, intersection improvements, street trees, and enhanced drainage and stormwater treatment. In addition, the project evaluated the implementation of a traffic circle, improvements to pedestrian safety, and vehicle flow.
A key element of the project was to evaluate the integration of Low Impact Development management practices such as bioswales, rain gardens, infiltration basins, and baffle boxes to attain a water quality treatment goal of 96lbs of TN removal from excess rainfall discharging into McKay Creek and implementation of traffic calming controls throughout the corridor.
As a total reconstruction of the road, LWES also evaluated the regional drainage conditions and improvements to flood conditions along the corridor and downstream. Utilities improvements also included the relocation of a 24” DIP transmission main and replacement of Pinellas County distribution main.
LWES supported the City in the development of scope and contractual requirements for a Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) approach. Upon selection of the Construction Manager, LWES provided assistance in value engineering and budget evaluations. LWES provided limited construction phase support services and conducted multi-agency coordination between the County and the City for the implementation of the project.